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Session 87


KIELCE (Poland)
September 14, 2008
Public telepathic channelling session

Participants: Lucyna Łobos, Iwona Stankiewicz, Bill Brown, Andrew Wójcikiewicz and the public.

Question:   Question from the audience asked by Iwona Stankiewicz
En-Ki:   Answer to question from En-Ki through Lucyny Łobos

I greet everyone that came here today, to this city. My name is En-Ki. Not to waste time, I ask for the first question.

Welcome Samuel En-Ki I ask the first question. Will the lymphoma in my throat heal by using jodoforms? How long and how much should I use this?

Use until your organism will say „enough“. A few months. Also I would suggest – herb medicine: bark of oak, leaf of sage and celandine. This must be mixed together, and then at least 2 times per day drink it. I give you, if you use my method, 2 months of therapy to feel a significant improvement. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Jerzy. Did Earth in the past ever went through a precession, when did it happen and what were the consequence for humans?

Jerzy, here I can direct you to astronomers, to books, but I will answer. 25 000 years ago. This cycle will  end in 2012, meaning the cosmic clock will “reset” and time will be counted again from the beginning. You call it a precession, you call it the Gregorian Calendar, you call it: “beginning of a new system” and it will be so forever. Every 25 000 years Earth will go through such transformation to perfection. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Should insemination be dependant on the spirit maturity of humans. I mean that too young people – woman, man – aren’t capable to raise a child properly.

Actually it should depend on the maturity – not spiritual, but physical. One that will provide the child with appropriate conditions. You hurry with reproduction, just can’t wait. The time of your life after 2012 – will be longer and then you wont be so hasty to populate the Earth.   Teaching to what sexual drive can lead. Parents – teach. Its not a “tabu”, which you should be ashamed of, but you should teach it. Then there wouldn’t be such a problem, where too young people, not responsible, physically not responsible – procreate a child. Spiritually they may be mature, but what of the rest? I’m listening.

Thank you, another question from Peter. Who is Lucifer?

Created… created for the use of keeping humans in sin. Created by the priests. And here we must go back to the times when there were gods still on Earth. Because, as its known even among gods there are misunderstanding. It is someone, someone who stood against the will of the Almighty, meaning God. And, if you want this question answered better – then I invite you to a private session. I’m listening.

Thank you, another question from Adrian from Chicago. Probably in November I would like to, with Wojtek who lives near Chicago, create a business. I ask our dear En-Ki for advice, for help. Will everything go well, will I be cheated on? I would also ask for spiritual help, so everything will go well.

Yes, in this time in which you live in – most important is business. How nice it would be to hear – “what to do, to save me, my family, my friends” – but no – business… And a business by which you would get rich as fast as possible. If I must be an expert, I will say what I think, and you – wont listen anyway. You wont be betrayed, but the business will fail. There is no time left now to build businesses. More and more people think about how to survive. I wont give you any more advice young man, since you wont listen anyway. I will only say this for “consolation” – you wont be betrayed, you will both lose money. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. En-Ki can you comment on the conflict of your remark, that ghosts can die, and the remarks of higher spirit beings, quoted in the “Book of Ghosts”, that ghosts – are immortal?

They can be immortal. Do you want me to quote? So, I will refer you the last book, Revelation of John, where Jesus during teachings said: “there will come a time…” he didn’t give a date, but said: “A time will come, for the judgement of the living and the dead…” Saying – dead, who did he mean? The one who has a body or a ghost? Jesus also said: “One will raise up to life, the others will fall to perdition”… meaning – death of a ghost. Books, these or others are written by humans, and humans can make mistakes.. Was the one, who wrote the “Book of Ghosts” any different? I leave this for you to think about and I refer you – not to the “Book of Ghosts”, but to the bible. It would be best for you to read carefully the whole “New Testament”. I’m listening.

Thank you next question. Where does micro-cosmos begin and macro-cosmos end and in what is it located?

You have read some books, human being… micro… macro… what else will be invented by you humans? Cosmos – there is one. Huge, ever expanding cosmos. Always new planets are born. There is no “micro”, there is no “macro” there is one, great, expanding cosmos. And if you think I am incorrect, then come to a private session, then we will talk. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Can the product AU 100 be given to 2 year old children. If so, in what quantities?

Yes, yes it can. For the first few days conduct a “test”, meaning – spray the child with this product and observe. Observe how the child acts, observe the skin. Then, after nothing bad happens, and nothing will – that I know, then you can start to give it to the child, one small spoonful a day and slowly increase the dosage. Don’t change to a table spoon, keep using a small spoon, just increase the times per day to 3. Such a 2 year old child has a organism stronger than you adults, who are already “poisoned” by all this chemistry. So I, En-Ki guarantee, that the product is good and will only help a child, not harm. I’m listening.

Thank you, another question from Magda. For a few months now I write poems which literately flow to my head. Who dictates them?

And what do you think? Is it so hard to figure out who? You have your spirit guide, you have a guardian angel. Read your poems carefully, since in those poems are messages, which you must show to others. I’m listening.

Thank you, another question from Iwona. My arrival and presence here is accidental. What role then I must take in this mission?

There are no coincidences. Conincidances in the past years, I will say exactly – from which year, coincidences have been eliminated in the year 1914. Why this date? There is a secret about this date. The closer we are to 2012 – the less coincidences there are. Show yourself, physically – show yourself, since even if I should give information, I need a physical matter. That’s all I can say about this question. There are no coincidences. You have been “led” here, and what mission you will receive – we will talk. I’m listening.

Thank you, question from Agata. Who will I be in the future?

Think, think about what destiny tells you and what you already feel good in. Don’t do what others have told you, but what you feel you should do – and go in that direction. Let fate guide you, your oracle, since everyone has one. So, if you will continue to have problems, contact me, En-Ki, but for now start to use your mind. It will guide you. I’m listening.

Thank you next question. Will I deal with a sickness, with hereditary diseases.

Yes, provided that you want to. In truth there are no “hereditary diseases”. Every soul coming to earth – has their own unique road to follow. But, coming to a certain family you “take over addictions”. And here I will tell you – mother or father has a hearth illness, so you program yourself that – “if mother or father has a hearth illness, then I too will have a hearth illness, or something similar”. With each diseases its the same. Talk to the doctors. In truth, there are no genetic caused diseases. What is called genetic by you – “begins” in your head. So, my advice – reprogram your mind, change the “program”. That what was throw in the bin and begin with a new, clean “program” as a healthy person. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Is it possible, with a strong enough telescope, to find Nibiru? If so, where to look for it on the sky?

Very strong… There is such a telescope. Its in the possession of priests in Arizona. Its a Vatican telescope. If it interests you that much – go there. Maybe they will let you see it, since from that telescope – you can see it. I’m listening.

Thank you next question. Is it true that the United States are in possession of space ships of other civilisations and they will use them to fake a attack on Earth to cause panic among the people, telling them that the aliens are not  friendly?

They won’t build them themselves, and what was “taken” or delivered – delicately put it – to Earth, its only rubble. They won’t rebuild one. There isn’t enough time to tell people this lie. America has greater “problems” than telling people – “the aliens are responsible for it all”. The truth is exactly the opposite. For now – only 3 years left. For now – sleep easy, don’t worry that America is the great evil empire. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How can a person help in “Mission Pharaoh” and protect their family from the consequences of this cataclysm?

Send word to the Foundation. You have such a saying, which we like: (polish saying) “Still not enough of you to bake this bread. To bake this bread we still need you”. Think about it. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question. Question from Sylvia. What school should I chose?

And here – we could discuss things, but for this question, with your – uncertainty, I am certain. I invite you to a private session. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Are the initiations of Reiki required to ready ourselves for 2012?

And you think, that just the initiation will help? And what of the rest? What about love? What about forgiveness? Is that not necessary? Is that not needed? Reiki alone will not protect. Reiki – it only opens a “window” to a new life. Reiki alone will help you – after 2012, but now you need to look around you and see next to you another human being. When you will “see” this, help each other out – then that is “Mission Pharaoh”, then that is helping to survive. Think about this. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question. Who are, or who were the false prophets and how to recognise them?

That topic needs a long discussion, not fit for a session, for a forum. In truth – its not possible to recognise them. Beautiful words they say, beautiful acts, they pretend to be the enemy of evil. Its not possible with your physical body – recognise. There is more to the topic, but I can’t say much more, since in this hall today there are a few who do not look kindly at “Mission Pharaoh”, so if your interested in this question – I invite you to a private session. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question. Is the earthly Our Lady, mother of Jesus – is she the mother of En-Ki and En-Li?

No. Let’s say – stepsister. Both En-Ki and En-Li didn’t really have a “mother”. They were created by God Almighty, meaning this universal energy, energy of the universe. He’s our father, and only father. A father that made us, send us to Nibiru. Meaning – that’s were we were born alongside Maria, our stepsister. Because, there must have been a woman born. There we were supposed to have lessons on Nibiru for the purpose, so we could later perfect planet Earth. The topic for discussion – very long, and there are still many questions, so I will refer you to a book, both those that we talked about today, and those about the “12th Planet” I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Dear En-Ki, what will happen at Ślęża? What about Bonifacy – spirit of Ślęża?

Bonifacy, after the 12th year – will come to earth. Enough of this “guarding”. What of Ślęża – you ask? Well, here I should “Earth-like” send you to Wroclaw, to the priests and the same question you should ask them. Since, physically – its up to them when further work will commence, or a permit given to restore the temple to its former glory. I’m Listening.

Thank you, next question. The minerals Schindels – are they the „food of the Gods”? If not, then who will discovery it and when will it be available to people?

They are already available… It is the “food of the Gods”, as well as gold. It doesn’t mean, that the Gods ate only mashed up minerals. They were food supplements. You can take such things without fear. They won’t bring harm, but the opposite – there will be positive effects for the organism. Because, the chemistry you eat flushes out the things that are needed by the organism. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Will I fulfil any important role in future events?

First you must know – what role you want to fulfil, what do you really want, since a ghost won’t do that for you. You have your mind and free will so you could think. We help, we work on your minds, but we let you – think. So, first think and ask that your thoughts to come true – and it will be so. I’m listening.

Thank you, question from Alexander. In what way should the signs in the grain be read? What’s the key?

And is a key necessary? You are given “signs”. Signs regarding the coming of a new system, meaning year 2012. But, don’t think that with the beginning or end of 2012 the situation on Earth will, magically, change. Its a period, another period, that will last – counting our cosmic time – not long, but counting Earth-wise – long, around a thousand years. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question. Do holy masses for the dead have meaning or purpose?

For you. To calm the conciousness of human beings. In truth, that spirit being – can help you, and not the other way around. You know, or maybe you don’t, what a spirit says when he comes to earth for reincarnation? He says: “I’m going into the slavery of the body”. When he frees himself he says: “I freed myself from the slavery of the body”. Why hold such a mass? Here, so I don’t insult your hearths, the person, who asked this question and wants a detailed answer – I invite to a private session. Then you’ll know – how much and what such a mass gives, a holy mass – for the dead. I’m listening.

Thank you, question from Joanna. What can heal recurring stomach ulcers?

It would be best with a diet. Follow a certain diet. Check blood type and eat according to the blood type. Get rid of stress, since most often it causes ulcers. Regular meals. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and coffee because it all – works well for ulcers. As we are now at – how you call it – “commercials”, then I can propose a “commercial” – use the product AU 100. It soothes. It takes longer, but with help – it will heal your ulcers. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. What kind of energy we will use after 2012? Will we continue to use electrical energy or some other that we won’t have to pay for?

What a „Scrooge” asked a question… For now, you will continue to pay. Three years… human beings, can you count? When I called for help, when I asked for co-operation – it was the year 2000 and zero reaction for my calling and zero co-operation. And now, when there is just 3 years left I am asked such a question. Paradise on Earth you must create. We will create, but it will take time. For now, it will be the same energy, and later, that what is stockpiled in bombs – will be used for the good of mankind, it will change into good and new energy. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Thomas. Samuel, what do you think of a statement made not long ago by Krzysztof Jackowski: “I absolutely don’t believe in 2012, but I am greatly disturbed by the years 2008 and 2009”. Why does the most famous polish psychic doesn’t see, that in 2012 something will happen? What do you think about his prediction about a war  in the middle east in 2008, which according to him will turn into a global conflict? He talked about an attack on Israel by Iran.

Do you know such words: vanity and pride? Not the first psychic, not the first therapist – it doomed. Humility, I say again – humility. Of course, he got the energy, but his pride stands in the way. The year 2008 is near its end and his apocalyptic predictions haven’t fulfilled. Its aright to make mistakes, of course, but are most of the scientists wrong about 2012? Is the biggest telescope in Arizona broken? And that’s it for my answer. Think about this man, what happens when pride and vanity take over. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Will the Świętokrzyski region be safe in 2012 and what role will polish people play in that time?

It will be just as safe, or – unsafe, in the year 2012 as all the other parts of Poland, world. Will this region or the world be safe, that’s not just up the the beings that are helping, or the spirit beings, but mostly up to you – humans. I’ll put it straight: if Earth will receive its protection, then this region or another – everywhere will be safe. If there will be no protection – there will be no safety. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, another question from Eva. What should I do to find a job and change my life?

Eva, you have such a beautiful name – Eva… And where is your positive thinking? Where is your faith? Where is your woman’s deviousness? Eva could “seduce” Adam, and you cant find a job? Eva, when you go for a interview – don’t go with an outlook that you will fail, but tell yourself, surround yourself with the energy, say: “I’m a valuable person, smart and I will get a job”. And on the other hand, use the “deviousness” of this first Eva. I’m listening.

Thank you , another question from Krzysztof. Is the recent conflict Russia – Georgia a beginning of a greater conflict, maybe even global? Will a 3rd world war come next? If so, then what conflicts should we still expect? When would this war begin and what role Poland would play in it?

Poland wont play a role, because there will be no war, for a simple reason: the countries of the world will be busy with their own problems. The year 2009 – mother nature – will show her power. There will be such “skirmishes” like Russia – Georgia, as they are now. Other countries won’t participate. Sleep easy, there won’t be a 3rd world war. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Who should I chose: Iwona or Anna?

As En-Ki… As a ghost… Take them both (laughter from audience), and the “problem” – will be resolved… Both are good choices for you, so – let both girls know, that you love them both. Then see the finale. Thank you. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Is there czakram in Kielce, where is it exactly and is its energy strong?

There is. You have the Świętokrzyska mountain. On that mountain there is a field called “Łysą Górą”. There, where there are “meetings of witches”… There you have a czakram. “Witches” didn’t chose that place for no reason. A strong chakram is located there. Czakram – that gives strength, that gives health. So, instead of sitting in front of these “contraptions”, which you call – computers, you should go to a czakram for health, for good health. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Anna. Dear En-Ki, what role do I have to fulfil in „Project Cheops”?

I already answered this question. Before you apply to „Project Cheops” – ask yourself a question – are you certain you want to? „Mission Pharaoh”, „Mission Cheops” – its a great responsibility and hard work. Work, which must be done. Answer these questions and then we’ll talk. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Miss, do you have the ability to recognise diseases?

I was a man, and suddenly – I become a woman… No… I prefer – remain a man and a spirit being. Yes, I use in certain situations the medium, meaning matter and a “pointer”. “Pointer”, it is a wahadełko. Then, with such “diagnosing”, since that’s how you call it – I can detect even the “beginning” of a disease. Then, I ask to do tests still, as I do with the geo-radar. I’m listening.

Thank you, another question from Adam. Is it possible that the earth is empty inside, and its inside is inhabited by Arians?

Empty, you say? If it was a private session, then I would say something referring to this “emptiness”. But, since there are a few people here – I wont say anything here. When it comes to something living there, then I can say this: there are places being prepared for habitation on certain depths. To create such thing – exploited mines are used, and it happens all over the world. Those that are “on top”, on Earth, now – prepare shelters. So, some remain on the surface, others evacuate underground and they will live. The centre of the earth Adam? Think a little, what is in the core of this Earth. Earth, as a planet, simply isn’t that big to have that area habitable by beings. Every being who has a body, Adam – needs the sun, meaning – that energy. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Dear En-Ki, please say, if adults should drink cows milk, because there are contradicting opinions of scientists on this topic. And also – what do you say about eating eggs. Here also the world of science is divided.

The eggs – one minute… The milk… Adults are shaped in a way that the organism doesn’t accept milk. It accepts natural yoghurt’s, sour milk, but – normal milk, is “hard to assimilate” by the organism. A child, a small child – yes, but adults shouldn’t drink much milk. While eggs – they should. If you eat, lets say – 2 eggs a day – then it will only do you good. Overeating – that is harmful. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How according to the country should the scenario for saving the earth in 2012 look like?

Country – you ask? They have no „scenario”. Those governing and those guarding your „souls” – another group who has shelters ready, so – they don’t want to worry about what happens after 2012 on earth. There is no scenario. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Alice. Please comment on the „Book of Knowledge”, communicated through channel alpha in Anatolian Turkey for Mevlan?

There is a certain problem. The medium is not a great scientist, that is – “all-knowing”, and if the medium – doesn’t understand the question, and – she won’t, then she wont understand my answer. And I she doesn’t understand me, she cant pass my answer along. Ask questions in simple manner and then I can answer. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question from Tomas. In your plans do you see me working at the excavations in Egypt, or do I have some other task relevant to „Project Cheops”, and if so – what kind?

The need for excavation work – will be great, both in Hawara and Giza. First – come, work, and then decide if you want to continue to work, and dedicate yourself with all your hearth and body for “Mission Pharaoh” or – not. For today, consider yourself – “subjected to a test”. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Mark. Should I have an operation on my fistula, as was recommended by an „Earth doctor”?

Well it is just a treatment, but… every treatment carries with it – consequences. Fistula, that’s another thing. Its not a dangerous operation, and sometimes – necessary. Life is hard with a fistula. If – the medicine doesn’t work, then go for the operation, and only after the operation start using, as I “advertise” – me, a spirit being – I advertise… AU 100. And then everything will be good. And if you need support, then before the operation contact the medium. We will set a date for the operation and then I – will send to that operation room – spirit doctors, who were doctors in life, and they will guide the hands of the surgeon. I give you 100% guarantee, that’s all I can say – I’ll help. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Will the activation of the great hardons accelerator in the European centre of nuclear science help solve riddles of science, or does the experiment have nothing to do with the knowledge of the universe?

No, its has no relevance. Something new – is coming. New system, new governing and new human minds will be slowly – shaped. Start thinking about what’s important now. Thermo-nuclear and other such things, that seems to be – most important. Focus on something both strong and simple – love… Love towards a fellow man. This – will save the world, will open this gate to the universe, to other civilisations. I’m listening.

Thank you, another question from Krzysztof. When next year Nibiru will be visible to a „naked eye”, and later, as it comes closer to earth, it will be visible more, will the people be somehow warned, informed. How will the media and world governments react?

The people? Will the people on earth – be warned. Think a little, about what your saying. That would be – the collapse of everything, and both politicians and religious hierarchies – cant allow that to happen. They will its a “comet”, which will “just fly by” and fly far away. They cant say the truth. Chaos and once more – great chaos would break out on Earth. Do you see? I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. I am – honoured that I can talk with En-Ki. What power does the Egyptian cross „Ankh” possesses, what do the markings on the cross mean, which also are seen in the pyramid?

Energy, strong energy – but for those, who believe in it. As you have already asked this question, use, use this energy on every occasion. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. To what purpose was the universe created?

And I though, that nothing would surprise me. Well, something can, and a human being asked me such a question. For the purpose – so you could live here on Earth, on this planet or another planet. So you could have a body, be enjoy life, flowers, animals and love. And its the same for all the other beings on other planets – happiness and love. That’s why the – universe – was created. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Are the ideas for rebuilding Solomon’s Temple reasonable.

No, next please.

Thank you, next question. I would like to test your knowledge. What’s my name? What are the names of my parents, and what mission do I have to fulfil in my time on earth?

All right, as we begin to test – no, this question I won’t answer today, you over proud human being, but I invite you to a private session. Then we will talk. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Darius. After the my operation on bajpasów in 2007 I have a cough for half a year now. How can I help myself, the doctors aren’t able to do so.

First of all – it is the weakening – organism. Don’t allow even the slightest of illness. Slowly, when you will control your cough, take medicine, correct natural medicine, which will strengthen your organism. Don’t fear, its nothing serious enough to worry about, but it shouldn’t be ignored. Most important is to strengthen the organism. You can use what I have been “advertising” to help as well. I’m listening.

Thank you, question from Michalina. Should I accept the proposition to leave Poland?

If I’m to be honest, I’ll say this: the whole Earth can be your home. And you say this: (polish saying) „There your nation, where your bread”, the choice is yours. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How to solve the problems with my fathers spine?

That depends, what age is your father? I will say something, that you will pass on to your father – stretching the spine. At first, while laying down, and then you will get your father some specialist exercise equipment and then he should use that to stretch his spine. After two, three months of such exercises your father will feel better. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How can Strabismus be healed?

This is beyond my spirit abilities. Only by operation. I’m sorry to say, but that is the truth. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How to get rid of all energy blockages on all levels?

And do you have any, or you just “think” you do? On all levels? Meaning, on which, since there are seven? You cant have blockages on all levels. Mostly there is a blockade on one and it feels like the whole organism is screwed. Do an – oracle of your life, and oracle of your name. Then you will see what level and why it is “blocked” I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Anna. Dear En-Ki, please tell me what should I still do in my battle with cancer? I tried everything.

Maybe – not everything? And did you try to say: „There is nothing wrong, I’m healthy”, meaning – true suggestion? Its not medicine, its not drugs, its faith – heals, will power – heals. In truth, the disease of cancer is curable, on condition – one, who will get this disease by his own will, can work with his own body. Not medics, but his own body. SO, from this day on, say – “I’m healthy”, even when there will be pain, say – “I’m healthy”. This is your key to success. This is your key to health. Think about this. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Ireneusz. Dear En-Ki, when we talk about things that will happen in 2012 and those that are happening now in relevance with the excavations in Egypt – most people don’t feel anything. They look at us as people who should be locked in „white, door-less rooms”. Is there any incident in out part of Europe in the near future that we could predict? An incident that would prove that all these wonderful things are happening in relation to saving the earth?

I will answer like this: don’t look at those people, that think, that some people should be locked in such door-less rooms. Not- “quantity”, but – “quality”. A person that will believe – doesn’t need many signs, he will believe regardless. Signs are given but – no matter how many signs mother nature would give – as we use mother nature, some people won’t believe. You need to have faith to believe. If you have faith, then don’t look for signs, because  to do so – its a lack of faith. Will the year 2012 come? Yes, it will. And with it – the new system. Each year leading to 2012 will be full of events, and I – I won’t describe what will happen, so the non-believers would have signs. Its like the times of Jesus – Tomas said: “If I touch it, I’ll believe it”, so now people also need signs? There were signs, for many years – they were  given and now will be given. So, look at the people form a different perspective – for “quality” not “quantity”. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Are pregnant women allowed to use AU-100 and in what quantity?

There isn’t any danger in doing so.  I’m not a medic but after observation I’ll say – yes. And – what I can also advice to pregnant women, is how to deal with woman’s „nightmare” after birth, meaning – the stomach, as its not exactly beautiful after giving birth. Spray the product on the stomach from now on – until giving birth and after – and things will go over much easier. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Iwona. I’m tired  with the series of unfortunate personal incidents in my life. Will my personal life get better, and if so, how?

How you think, how you write – then it will be hard, Iwona. Read carefully what you wrote to me: „I’m tired”. What kind of energy do you surround yourself with? „I don’t want to live” – how many times have you said that? What energy do you create? You want, that after such words, to be surrounded with the „attraction energy”? It won’t happen, Iwona. Your outlook, your thoughts will „scare away” every candidate to your hand. Change must happen in you, in your thoughts, in your attitude to life, and most of all – to end this – become a woman. I’m listening.

Thank you, question from Marian. Can aorta atherosclerosis be treated? If so, then in what way?

Here the solution – correct diet, according with your blood type. And again I will „advertise”… You already know what. And then you will get your strength back, you will get better. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Lucyna. Is my daughter Żanka safe in Scotland – when must she come home?

Everywhere – she can be safe, or unsafe. I talked about this topic – what safety of your close ones depends on, here on Earth. If she’s happy there, don’t convince her to come back, but you go to her. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question from Jerry. Will „Mission Pharaoh” conclude well and will we realise the plan for a safe Earth?

And what do you think, that depends on – on us, or you people. Answer this question yourself. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Dear En-Ki, the book by Annie Kirwood „Maria’s message to the world” – are the facts there, the messages from Maria and Jesus, are they authentic? Much points to that they are. What can you say about this topic?

In many ways is the message delivered to the people.  In many different „ways” it is written, and „edited”. Most of it – is true. That’s all I can say. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Some of today’s answers conflict with the teachings of the catholic faith, such as those about Our Lady… Also I expect to hear different answers than those if I’m invited to a private session.

You wont hear. But – I invite you to a private session and then – we’ll talk. We will talk long – at least for an hour. Don’t you think, that after such a long time of using the energy of the medium, to debate with you for such a long time still would be – inhumane. And I – talk about love, and it seems my words – don’t reach human minds. So, I invite you to a private session, and I will answer your question. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Dear En-Ki, which apocrypha, tomes not recognised officially by the church are important to reveal the truth about the biblical and apostolic time?

Many. Here, so I won’t call for a private session: in the Vatican, in the treasury there is a „first” bible, the true one. So, go there and ask, that you would want study it. There you will hear and see the truth. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Dear En-Ki, a German doctor Matthiast Rath, and a American doctor Joel Wallach state on the basis of their discoveries and experiments, that humans and animals, who died from natural causes, died from mineral and vitamin deficiency. Can you comment on this?

You can die from deficiency, complete deficiency of vitamins, minerals. Simple example, I will back myself up with war, concentration camps. People there were given food, but chronic lack of vitamins and minerals caused mass deaths. Today, same situation in countries, where there is hunger. The main cause of such deaths, in lack of minerals and vitamins. I’m listening.

Thank you very much. What will happen with Kitaro after 2012?

If people would just careful listen to what I say… For the third time I repeat – its up to you, its up to you – human beings, what will happen after 2012. The fate of the Earth and everything else – is in your hands. And you will decide. I’m listening.

Thank you and at the end, from Andrew and Patrycja: Dear En-Ki, we thank you for the help, guidance, and we want to tell you that we love you very much.

For the first time during the whole discussion I hear – „thank you” that comes from the heart… I’m touched… And I reply to these words: I love you and thank you, that I am treated with such great respect. Thank you and thank you for the discussion.

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